

Whilst it is wonderful to see dogs from litters achieving, the most important is to see them all in loving family homes.  Some people do not have the time with work and/or family commitments and activities to do the training for trialling level.  Many have given the dogs a variety of wonderful experiences in outings to country and beach as well as basic training and they are enjoying a good quality of life in loving family homes.  All this is also greatly appreciated and I love hearing about them all.


During our time in performance sports we have seen many changes come and go as well as new disciplines introduced. Herding we saw in its infancy and the changes from HIT being a Title with the passing of more than one test required being more similar to the now HT then the introduction of the HIC later with only one pass required.  Tracking has seen many changes too. We started with TQT which is now gone and also saw the introduction of extra tests. We were there for the beginning of Track and Search and achieved the then highest level being TSDX with 3 of our collies at the time.  Later came the TS CH and TS Grand CH which Shadow son of Thunder achieved keeping the first of things in these fields in the family. We were also lucky enough to see Rally Obedience come into being here in Australia. There are still very many new disciplines out there that collies have yet to try. Such a variety of things for a very versatile breed, will be a great journey for some.

Below are the Dogs that have achieved and their Resigstered names with Titles, followed by year order of who achieved what (Call Names only on these).

I have colour coded the ANKC recognised disciplines :- Herding, Tracking, Track & Search,  Nose Scent WorkObedience and Rally Obedience, ShowringLure Coursing,  Trick Dog (ANKC registered) and Sprint Dog

I have also colour coded  Battle Of The States - Australian 100 Metre Sprint Competition  along with Nose Scent Detection Work which has ORT (Odour Recognition Test) as well as ACSW (Australian Canine Scent Work) [Non ANKC] NSW1 (Nose Scent Work 1). This is not yet ANKC recognised but many dogs are doing it. 

Trick Dogs is another non ANKC Title done via "Do More With Your Dog" which is an online course and can be done at home. NZ does not as yet have tricks but the NTD (Novice Trick Dog) Title is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs.

There are Braffertons are out there having a go and achieving in  many of these fields. Also we are thrilled to have one of our Dogs be tested and accredited as a Medical Assistance Dog. 

Our first Three and now past Collies.

“Thunder” - DUAL CH T VIMTAR THUNDER LORD HT TSDX - (Tri Rough M) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

“Lightning” - T CH VIMTAR LIGHTNING FLASH CCD  HT TSDX - (Sable Rough M- Neutered) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

 “Star” - T CH CALSTEAD STARRYEYES HT TSDX - (Sable Rough F - Nuetured) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by Glenn Brown (Son) and myself.

Litter 1

“Shadow” - T CH TS GRAND CH BRAFFERTON FOLLOWED BYA SHADOW RN HSAs [NTD] - (Tri Rough M) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

“Angel” - T CH TS CH BRAFFERTON HEAVEN SCENT RN  - (Tri Rough F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

“Ranger” - BRAFFERTON BACKON TRACK TD HT - (Blue Rough M) currently living with my son and his partner handled by myself.

“Finda” - BRAFFERTON PATH FINDER (HIC) - (Blue Rough F) currently living with my son and his partner, handled by myself. Was later Neutered after her litter.

 “Trooper” - DUAL CH (T) BRAFFERTON BUSH MASTER CCD RN TSD (NSW1) - (Tri Smooth M) owned and handled by Yvonne Hill.  Neutered after gaining his Australian Champion Title and still living with Yvonne.

Navi” - T CH TS GRAND CH BRAFFERTON NIGHT NAVIGATOR HSAs - (Tri Rough F) owned and handled by Esther Smedley. Was later Neutered after her litter and still living with Esther.

Cosi(Was Silvie )  - CH BRAFFERTON SILVER SEARCHER (HIC) - (Blue Smooth F) was owned by Kerry Webb of Ngalla Prefix in Tasmania at time of Titles. Never bred from, she was later Neutered  and currently living with Sandra Duke in NSW.

Litter 2

“Calypso” - BRAFFERTON SEA NYMPH TD (HIC) - (Blue Rough F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

Triton” - T CH  TS GRAND CH BRAFFERTON TRITON LORD (HIC) - (Tri Rough M) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

“Merlin” (was Cetus) - BRAFFERTON SEA DRAGON [NTD] - (Blue Merle Rough M) owned and trained by Julie van Schie 

Litter 3

Ava” - TRI CH (T) (TS) TS GRAND CH  BRAFFERTON WINTER BIRD  (HIC) - (Tri Smooth F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself

Chase” - TS CH T CH TRI CH NEUT BRAFFERTON  STORM CHASER (HIC) - (Sable Rough M) owned by Esther Smedley (Vic).

Sky” - BRAFFERTON WINTER SKY TD (HIC) - (Sable Rough F - Neutered) owned by Esther Smedley (Vic).

Rocky” - BRAFFERTON  BLACK ICE  CDX RAE TK.S RM SWA TD JC (ATD)- (Tri Rough M - Neutered) owned by Eva Drage - living and trialling in SA

Litter 4

"Dream" - T CH TS GRAND CH BRAFFERTON I HAVE A DREAM  (HIC) - (Blue Merle Rough F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself.

" Sia" (was Danca ) - BRAFFERTON DANCING QUEEN JC- (Tri Rough F - Neutered) owned by Irma Crews (SA)

"Kiss" - BRAFFERTON KISSES OF FIRE (HIC) - (Blue Merle Rough F) owned by Corine Pepping (Vic).

Litter 5

"Cleo" (was Thyme ) - BRAFFERTON ITS ABOUT TIME [NTD] - (Tri Smooth F) owned by Coral Moffat

Litter 6

" Nix" - BRAFFERTON SEA SPRITE TDX - (Tri Rough F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself

"Inka" - BRAFFERTON INCAN SEA TREASURE CCD TK.S RAE TD SWN CA (ATD] - (Blue Merle Rough F) owned ny Eva  Drage - living and Trialling in SA

"Orion - Ori" (was Gilligan) - BRAFFERTON FIRST MATE  [NTD] - (Tri Rough M) owned by Jalyn Neysmith and Andrew Hodge were in NSW now living in New Zealand

Litter 7

"Dragon" - T CH BRAFFERTON ORIONS DRAGON TSD- (Sable and White Rough M) - owned by Brafferton Kennels and handled by myself 

Litter 8

"Charlee" (was Treasure) - BRAFFERTON DRAGONS TREASURE TDX - (Sable and White Rough F) - owned by Heather Johns

"Stryka" - BRAFFERTON DRAGON  STRIKE - (Tricolour Smooth M) - owned by Yvonne Hill

"Sprite" - BRAFFERTON FAERIE DRAGON  - (Sable and White Rough F) - owned by Jaqueline Grenfell and Damien Pree

Litter  9

"Wolf" - BRAFFERTON SORCERER BELGARETH - (Sable and White Rough m) - owned by Ric Brown handled by Justin Brown

"Ella" - NEUT CH BRAFFERTON ELLA ENCHANTED RA TK.S - (Tricolour Rough F) - owned by Anne Rogers

Litter  10

"Silver" -  BRAFFERTON QUICKSILVER - (Blue Merle Rough M) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself

"Kitty" -  BRAFFERTON  SHADOWCAT - (Tricolour Rough F) owned by Brafferton Kennels handled by myself

"Pheonix"  (was Raven) -  BRAFFERTON  RAVEN AT INKDINICE - (Tricolour Rough F) owned by Eva Drage - living and trialling in SA

"Freya" (was Magik) -  BRAFFERTON  MAGIK - (Tricolour Rough F) owned by Linda Paterson

"Vixen" -  BRAFFERTON  VIXEN - (Tricolour Smooth F) owned by Robyn Neale

"Saja" (was Logan) -  BRAFFERTON  WOLVERINE - (Tricolour Smooth M) owned by Karlena Proctor

"Porgy" (was Flash) -  BRAFFERTON  THE FLASH - (blue Merle M) owned by Elliot Glass and Brad Harris

"Otter" (was Frostie) -  BRAFFERTON  EMMA FROST - (Blue Merle Rough F) owned by Paris Butterworth


Thunder Tracking - TQT (Tracking Qualification Test - then a pre requisite to Tracking) - 02/09/2001

Lightning - Tracking - TQT (Tracking Qualification Test - then pre requisite to Tracking) - 22/09/2001


Thunder - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 23/06/2002

Lighting - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 25/08/2002


Thunder - Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 29/06/2003

Thunder - Tracking - T.CH. (Tracking Champion) Title 12/07/2003 - First Collie/Collie Rough in Australia to achieve this.

Lightning - Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 12/07/2003

Lightning - Tracking - T.CH. (Tracking Champion) Title  - 09/08/2003

Lightning - Herding - HIT (Herding Instinct Test) Title  - 27/12/2003


January 2004 saw us move from our Seaford home of 25 years to a bigger property at Bittern on the Mornington Peninsula.

Thunder - Herding - HIT (Herding Instinct Test) Title - 15/04/2004

Star - Tracking - TQT (Tracking Qualification Test) - 05/06/2004

Star - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title  - 22/08/2004


Star - Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title 12/09/2005


Star - Tracking - T.CH. (Tracking Champion) Title 13/5/2006 - First Collie Rough Bitch in Australia to achieve this.


Lightning - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) Title 26/8/2007

Thunder - Herding -  HT (Herding Test) Title - 2/9/2007

Lightning - Herding - HT (Herding Test) Title - 2/9/2007

Star - Herding - HT (Herding Test) Title - 2/9/2007


This year spent training dogs in readiness for upcoming new Track and Search Discipline.


Star - Track & Search - TSD (Track & Search Dog) Title -  22/8/2009

Lightning - Track & Search - TSD (Track & Search Dog) Title -  24/8/2009


Thunder - Show Ring - CH (Australian Champion) Title 21/1/2010 [This qualified him for his Dual CH (T) Title] - First Collie Rough in Australia to achieve this

Thunder - Track & Search - TSD (Track & Search Dog) Title -  24/4/2010

Thunder - Track & Search - TSDX (Track & Search Dog Excellent) Title. 01/10/2010 - Then Highest Track and Search level. First Collie/Collie Rough in Australia to achieve this. Lightning 2nd and Star 3rd in order of tracks of the night.

Lightning - Track & Search - TSDX (Track & Search Dog Excellent) Title. 01/10/2010

Star - Track & Search - TSDX (Track & Search Dog Excellent) Title. 01/10/2010


First Litter under Brafferton Prefix whelped 17/3/2011 - 4 Boys 4 Girls - 4 Tri’s 4 Blues - 5 Roughs 3 smooths. Sire Dual Ch (T) Vimtar Thunder Lord HT TSDX [Tri Rough] - Dam CH Foxbell Miss Finland [Blue Merle Smooth].  Named with a Tracking Theme as Sire was first Tracking Champion Collie Rough in Australia and Dam had connections to another Tracking Champion.

Cosi - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 2011 age 9 months (In Tasmania) [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title] 


Shadow - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 01/04/2012: [This is a pre requisite to Herding not a Title]

Ranger - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 01/04/2012: [This is a pre requisite to Herding not a Title]

Finda - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 01/04/2012: [This is a pre requisite to Herding not a Title]

Navi - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 01/04/2012: [This is a pre requisite to Herding not a Title]

Cosi - Show Ring - CH (Australian Champion) Title - Prior to Trooper 2012 in Tasmania.

Trooper - Show Ring - CH (Australian Champion) Title - 08/07/2012


Navi - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 17/08/2013

Shadow - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 24/08/2013


Shadow - Herding - HT (Herding Test) Title - 02/03/2014

Navi - Herding - HT (Herding Test) Title - 02/03/2014

Shadow - Rally Obdience - RN (Rally Novice) Title - 19/04/2014

Shadow - Herding - PT (Pre-Trial) Title - 27/04/2014

Navi - Herding - PT (Pre-Trial) Title - 27/04/2014

Ranger - Herding - HT (Herding Test) Title - 27/04/2014

Navi - Tracking - TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 05/05/2014

Shadow - Tracking - TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 06/05/2014

Angel - Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) Title - 31/05/2014

Shadow - Tracking - T CH - (Tracking Champion) Title - 14/06/2014

Trooper - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 19/07/2014

Navi - Tracking - T CH - (Tracking Champion) Title - 12/07/ 2014

Angel - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 16/08/2014

Shadow - Herding -  HSAs (Herding Started A Course Sheep) Title - 13/09/2014

Navi - Herding - HSAs (Herding Started A Course Sheep) Title - 13/09/2014

Ranger - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 14/09/2014

2nd Litter under the Brafferton Prefix whelped  28/10/2014. 3 Boys 1 Girl 2 Blues 2 Tri’s all Roughs. Dam - Finda - Brafferton Path Finder [Blue Merle Rough] - Sire - Ch Kirrieloch Time Lord [Tri Rough]. Named with a Sea Theme due to us living on a Peninsula between 2 bays as well as my son and his partner being in the Navy at the Cerberus Base at the time of litter.


March saw us once again selling up  after 11 years on the Mornington Peninsula and moving to our current location at Streatham in South Western Victoria where we are once again on bigger land.

Shadow - Track & Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title - 26/04/2015

Trooper - Tracking TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 05/05/2015

Angel - Tracking - TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 16/05/2015

Ranger - Tracking - Passed Test 4 and Test 5 (With a Track on) on 16/05/2015 . Has not tracked since as now residing with my Son.

Finda - Tracking - Did pass Test 1 and Test 2 (With a Track on) on 16 /05/2015.  Has not tracked since as now residing with my Son.

3rd Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 7/6/2015 - 3 Boys 4 Girls. 4 Roughs 3 Smooths. Dam - Navi - T CH Brafferton Night Navigator TSD HSAs [Tri Rough]- Sire  - Ch Foxbell First Romance CD RE HNAs [Sable Smooth]. Named with a Winter Theme as born on a wild windy winter night around Pet names which were chosen by Esther’s Grandson from Paw Patrol and another of his favourite shows. Navi was leased back to me by Esther for a number of reasons but the litter was whelped and raised at Esther’s home as better for the Bitch, Esther and her family.

Shadow Track & Search -  TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title - 04/07/2015

Trooper - Tracking - T CH - (Tracking Champion) Title - 12/07/ 2015: This qualified him for a Dual Title. Dual CH (T) status issued by ANKC 17/07/2015

Angel - Tracking - T CH - (Tracking Champion) Title - 22/08/2015

Shadow - Track & Search - TS CH (Track and Search Champion) Title - 02/10/2015- First Collie Rough in Australia to Achieve this.

Shadow - Track & Search - TS GRAND CH (Track and Search Grand Champion) Title - 24/10/2015 - First Collie Rough in Australia to Achieve this.

Trooper - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) Title - 06/12/2015



Calypso - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC)  - 17/01/2016 [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Triton - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 17/01/2016 [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Ava - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 17/01/2016 - age 7 months [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Chase - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 17/01/2016 - age 7 months [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Sky - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 17/01/2016 - age 7 months  [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Trooper - Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) Title - 24/04/2016

Trooper - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title - 02/07/2016

Rocky - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) Title - 23/07/2016

Navi - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title - 30/07/2016

Chase - Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 20/08/2016


4th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 27/03/2017 - 1 Boy, 5 Girls. All Roughs. Dam - Calypso - Brafferton Sea Nymph (HIC)[Blue Merle Rough];  Sire  - Strathaven Walk Of Fame [Tri Rough]. Named with an ABBA Theme (ABBA Songs) as there is a lot of Swedish Bloodlines in their pedigree.

Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) Title - 20/05/2017

Sky -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 24/06/2017

Shadow - Obedience - CCD (Community Comapnaion Dog) - 1st pass - 01/07/2017

Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance) Title - 05/08/2017

Chase -  Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title -  28/08/2017

TritonTracking -TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 11/09/2017


Navi -  Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog) Title -  28/10/2017

Rocky - Obedience - CD ( Companion Dog) Title - 29/10/2017

Trooper - ORT (Odour Recognition Test) for Birch - passed on 12/11/2017

Trooper - ORT (Odour Recognition Test) for Anise - passed on 12/11/2017

Ava -  Show Ring - CH (Australian Champion) Title - 25/11/2017 final points gained. Title issued - 21/12/2017


5th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 02/02/2018 - 1 Smooth Tri Girl only. Dam - Ch Brafferton Winter Bird (HIC) [Tri Smooth]; Sire - Ch Cheltary Dirty Dancer (Sable Rough). Litter named with a TIME Theme as tried to bring all past lines forward on Sires side.

TritonTracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 26/05/2018

Chase - Tracking - T CH (Tracking Champion ) Title - 28/05/2018

Angel - Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title - 01/06/2018

Dream - Collie Club Of Victoira Open Show Best Blue Merle in Show - 01/07/2018
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RE (Rally Excellent) Title - 01/07/2018

Trooper - ORT (Odour Recognition Test) for Clove - passed 14/07/2018

Triton - Tracking - T CH (Tracking Champion ) Title - 11/08/2018

Sia -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2018 -  Results official as of 20/08/2018. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. Sia topped the Collies Rough and Smooth with a 100 metre sprint done in just 8.9 seconds. -  First Collie Rough in Australia to achieve this. Fastest time for Collies Rough and Smooths.
Ava -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 24/08/2018
Dream -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 24/08/2018
Chase - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title - 01/09/2018
Calyso -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title  -  07/09/2018
Sia - Lure Coursing - JC (Junior Courser)  Title - 08/09/2018   (First Collie Rough or Smooth  in Australia to achieve this)
Sia - Lure Coursing - Run 1 of 10 needed passes for next level of CA passed on 09/09/2018
Navi - Track and Search - TS CH (Track and Search Chamion) Title - passed  15/09/2018
Rocky - Obedience - CDX ( Companion Dog Excellent) Title - 23/09/2018
Angel -   Track and Search - TS CH (Track and Search Champion) Title - passed 05/10/2018
Triton - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title -  20/10/2018
Kiss - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 17/11/2018 -  [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]
Rocky - TOP OPEN DOG (METRO) - DOGS SA TOP DOG AWARD 2018 - Awarded on the 19/11/2018
Rocky -  At the Dover Obedience Club Presentation received award for Highest Open Title along with trophies for CDX and RE - Awarded on the 25/11/2018
Sia -  Became an ACCREDITED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DOG  after being tested by a human assesor on the 08/02/2019
6th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 27/03/2019 - 3 Boys, 3 Girls. All Roughs. Dam - Calypso - Brafferton Sea Nymph TD (HIC)[Blue Merle Rough];  Sire  - T CH TS GRAND CH Brafferton Followed Bya Shadow RN HSAs [Tri Rough]. 
7th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 02/04/2019 - 1 Rough Shaded Sable Boy only. Dam - T Ch TS CH Brafferton Heaven Scent RN [Tri Rough]; Sire - Ch Cheltary Dirty Dancer (Sable Rough). 
Sia - Lure Coursing - Run 2 of 10 needed passes for next level of CA passed on 14/04/2019
Trooper -  ACSW (Australian Canine Scent Work) [Non ANKC] NSW1 (Nose Scent Work 1) Title - 26/05/2019
Chase - Track and Search  - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title - 31/05/2019
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RAE (Rally Advance Excellent) Title - 15/06/2019
Sia - Lure Coursing - Run  3 of 10 needed passes for next level of CA passed on 16/06/2019
Dream - Collie Club Of Victoira Open Show - Best Blue Merle in Show - 30/06/2019
Dream - Collie Club Of Victoria Champ Show - Best Blue Merle in Show - 30/06/2019
Sia - Lure Coursing - Run  4 of 10 needed passes for next level of CA passed on  07/07/2019
Dream - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) - 14/07/2019 -  [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]
Dream - Tracking - TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 15/07/2019
Ava - Tracking - TDX - (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 15/07/2019
Sia -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2019 -  Results official as of 01/08/2019. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. Sia topped the Collies Rough and Smooth with a 100 metre sprint done in just 8.84 seconds. This year there were no other Collies Rough or Smooth entered but Sia bettered her last years time -  She was the First Collie Rough in Australia to achieve this. Fastest time for Collies Rough and Smooths. This year makes it a back to back 2018 & 2019 win for Sia. 
Sia - Lure Coursing - Run  5 of 10 needed passes for next level of CA passed on  04/08/2019
Ava -  Tracking - T CH (Tracking Champion ) Title   - passed 26/08/2019 -  Dual CH (T) Issued 05/09/2019
Navi - Track and Search - TS GRAND CH (Track & Search Grand Champion) Title -  passed 13/09/2019
Chase - Track and Search  - TS CH (Track and Search Champion) Title - 13/09/2019
Triton - Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title  -  04/10/2019
Ava - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog)  -  passed Test 1 on 18/10/2019
2020 was the year that Covid-19 Virus closed down shows and trials in Australia for a number of months. I also because of the Virus choose not to breed any litters this year because of the unknown during and in the aftermath of the virus. 
Orion - Ori Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - As NZ does not yet have Tricks as a dog sport, Ori gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved May 2020
Cleo -  Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - Cleo gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved July  2020
Shadow -  Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - Shadow gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved July  2020
Rocky -  Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - Rocky gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved July  2020
Inka -  Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - Inka gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved July  2020
Rocky -  Tricks - ITD (Intermediate Trick Dog)  - Rocky gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved August  2020
Inka -  Tricks - ITD (Intermediate Trick Dog)  - Inka gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved August  2020
Rocky -  Tricks - ATD (Advance Trick Dog)  - Rocky gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved August  2020
Inka -  Tricks - ATD (Advance Trick Dog)  - Inka gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved August  2020
Rocky - Trick Dog - TK.S - (Trick Dog Starter) Title -  passed on 12/09/2020
Inka - Trick Dog - TK.S - (Trick Dog Starter) Title -  passed on 12/09/2020
Inka - Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice)  Title -  04/10/2020

8th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 07/02/2021 -  Roughs & Smooths - Dam -  Ava - Dual CH (T) Brafferton Winter Bird (HIC) (Tri Smooth); Sire - Dragon - Brafferton Orions Dragon (Sable Rough). 10 pups - 5 Males being 2 Tri Rough Males, 2 Tri Smooth Males, 1 Sable Smooth Male & 5 Sable Females being  3 Rough Females and 2 Smooth Females. Litter was named for  a Dragon Theme as our Dragon was the Sire.

Sia -  Who became an ACCREDITED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DOG  after being tested by a human assesor on the 08/02/2019, has now once again, after being tested by a human assesor, passed her 2nd Bi-Annual Assistance Dog Full  Accreditation on 28/02/2021
Dream - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title -  passed on 17/04/2021
Dream -  Tracking - T CH (Tracking Champion ) Title   - passed on 02/05/2021
Inka - Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance)  Title -  passed on 09/05/2021
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RM (Rally Masters) Title -  gained on the 15/05/2021
Rocky - Lure Coursin- JC (Junior Courser)  Title - 06/06/2021 
Inka - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) Title - 19/06/2021
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  1st qualification of 10 needed gained on the 10/07/2021
Dragon -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 11/07/2021
Kiss -  Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) - 1st qualification pass on 31/07/2021
Rocky -   Lure Coursing CA (Coursing Ability) - 1st qualification pass on 01/08/2021
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  2nd & 3rd qualification passes of 10 needed gained on the 07/08/2021
9th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 13/08/2021 -  All Roughs - Dam -  Nix - Brafferton Sea Sprite (Tri Rough); Sire - Chunks - Ch Roughclan  La Grande Illusion  (Sable Rough). 5 pups -  1 Male Sable & 4 Females  being  2 Sables and 2 Tri Colours.  Litter theme is around Friday 13th and sorcerers etc as the is La Grande Illusion. 
Inka - Lure Coursin- JC (Junior Courser)  Title - 29/08/2021
Inka - Rally Obedience - RE (Rally Excellent) Title -  18/09/2021
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  4th qualification pass of 10 needed gained on the 18/09/2021
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  5th qualification pass of 10 needed gained on the 19/09/2021
Rocky -   Lure Coursing CA (Coursing Ability) - 2nd qualification pass on 26/09/2021
Rocky -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2021 -  Results official as of 01/10/2021. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. Rocky topped the Collies Rough  (No smooths this year) with a 100 metre sprint done in just 7.93 seconds. This year there were 4 other Collies Roughs entered.

Inka -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2021 -  Results official as of 01/10/2021. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. Inka came in 2nd to her cousin Rocky in the Collies Roughs (no smooths entered) with a 100 metre sprint done in just 8.41 seconds. This year there were 4 other Collies Roughs entered.

Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  6th qualification pass of 10 needed gained on the 03/10/2021



Charlee - Herding - Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC)  - 06/03/2022 [This is a pre requisite to Herding Not a Title]

Ava - Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title -  passed on 23/04/2022

Inka -  Rally Obedience - RAE (Rally Advance Excellent) Title - gained on 20/05/2022

Dream - Collie Club Of Victoria Open Show Best Blue Merle in Show - 26/06/2022

Dragon - Collie Club Of Victoria Open Show Best Sable in Show - 26/06/2022

Dragon - Collie Club Of Victoria Open Show Best Headed in Show - 26/06/2022

Charlee -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title 24/07/2022

Dragon -  Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - 12/08/2022
Dragon -  Tracking - T CH (Tracking Champion) Title -  28/08/2022
Nix -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 11/09/2022
Triton- Track and Search - TS Ch (Track and Search Champion) Title -   23/09/2022
Ava - Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title  23/09/2022
Dream - Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent) Title  -  24/09/2022
Inka -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2022 -  Results official as of 01/11/2022. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. Inka came in 1st in the Collies Roughs  with a 100 metre sprint done in just 8.82 seconds. This year there were 4 Collies Roughs entered, Inka plus 2 in this section. 1 smooth in the Smooth section. Rocky being one of the 3 is Veterans this year. so his results wiill be in that and not the Rough results. 
Rocky -   Battle of The States - Australian 100metre Sprint Competition 2022 -  Results official as of 01/11/2022. This is not a Title but an annual event done throughout Australia. This year Rocky was entered in the Veteran class, he was the only Collie Rough Veteran in this class.  (Also no smooths in this class this year) with a 100 metre sprint done in just 8.91  seconds.  Had Rocky been in with the others in the Rough run off he would have come in 2nd to Inka.
Ella - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) - first trial acheiving Highest in CCD class with 100/100 and Highest Scoring Collie Rough in Trial at the Collie Club of Victoria Restricted to Group 5 Trial -  17/12/2022
Merlin -  Tricks - NTD (Novice Trick Dog)  - Merlin gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved 13 February 2023
Ella - Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) Title entered the Geelong Triple Rally Trial and passed all 3  RN Trials thus gaining her RN Title as well as a 3rd Place. RN Title  -  25/03/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Title - Passed Four elements with 4 passes have completed a couple at a earlier trial gained his SWN Title along with a 3rd place in Interior Search and a 1st palce in Containers Search.  SWN TItle -  26/03/2023
Ella - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) -  second trial acheiving First Place in CCD class with 96/100 at the OTEC Easter Trial -  08/04/2023
Kiss -  Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice) - 2nd qualification pass on 15/04/2023
Triton - Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice)  Title -  15/04/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Container  - Passed another Novice Container  element in case it is needed for a future elemental Title as well as 3rd place -  22/04/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Interior  - Passed a Advance Interior search -  22/04/2023
Sky -  Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) - Test 1 pass on 22/04/2023
Dream - Track and Search - TS CH (Track and Search Champion) Title  -  22/04/2023
Ava - Track and Search - TS CH (Track and Search Champion Title  -  22/04/2023. This will Make Ava A Triple CH (TS) (T) (First Collie Smooth  in Australia to achieve this)
Sia - Who became an ACCREDITED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DOG  after being tested by a human assesor on the 08/02/2019, once again, after being tested by a human assesor, passed her 2nd Bi-Annual Assistance Dog Full  Accreditation on 28/02/2021. She had now had her 3rd Test in May 2023 and once again, after being tested by a human assesor passed. This one will last her fo the next 3 years.
Ella - Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog) TITLE3rd pass 89/100 and Title achieved on 14th May 2023. Anne is not applying for this title but will wait until she gets her CD Title.
Ella - Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance - 1st pass 91 points at Berwick Trial - 14/5/2023
Rocky -  Tracking - TD (Tracking Dog) Title - 04/06/2023
Ella - Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance) - 2nd pass 98 points at Berwick Trial - 12/6/2023
Inka -  Rally Obedience - RM (Rally Masters) -  1st pass of 7 needed with scores of 85 or more - pass on 17/06/2023
Inka -   Lure Coursing CA (Coursing Ability)  Title -  8h qualification of 8 needed for CA  Title-  pass on 18/06/2023
Dream - Collie Club Of Victoria Championship Show  - QC/CD Rosette for Best Collie with a Dogs Sport Title (1st time offered) - 18/06/2023

Dragon - Collie Club Of Victoria Championship  Show Best Sable in Show - 18/06/2023

Wolf - Collie Club Of Victoria Championship Show  Best Headed in Show - 18/06/2023

Chase - Collie Club Of Victoria Championship Show - Neuter Dog Challenge and first lot of points - 18/06/2023

Ella - Collie Club Of Victoria Championship Show - Reserve Challenge Neuter Bitch and Runner up Neuter of Breed - 18/06/2023

Sky -  Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) - Test 2 pass on 01/07/2023

Ella - Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance) Title - 3rd pass 98 points at Geelong Trial and 2nd place thus gaining her RA Title - 08/07/2023
Inka -  Tracking - TD - (Tracking Dog) Title  - 15/07/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Interior  - 1 Pass in Advance Interior  search -  22/07/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Container  - 1 Pass in Advance Container search -   22/07/2023
Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Exterior  - 1 Pass in Novice Exterior Search-  22/07/2023
Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Vehicle  - 1 Pass in Novice Vehicle Search-  22/07/2023
Rocky -  Rally Obedience - RO CH (Rally Obedience Champion)  -  7th qualification pass of 10 needed gained on the 29/07/2023
Charlee -  Tracking -  TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent)  Title  -  13/08/2023
Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  1st qualification of 8 needed for CA A Title-  pass on 13/08/2023
Nix -  Tracking - TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) Title - Passed  20/08/2023
Charlee -  Tracking -  T CH (Tracking Champion) Test 7  -  20/08/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Container  - 2 Qualification in Advance Container search -  30/08/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Vehicle - 5th pass of (9) Qualification  in Advance Vehicle search -  01/09/2023
Dragon  Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog) Title -  passed - 03/09/2023
Ella -  Trick Dog - TK.S - (Trick Dog Starter) Title -  03/09/2023
Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Container  - 1 Pass in Novice Container Search -  06/09/2023
Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Exterior  - 2 Pass in Novice Exterior Search-  07/09/2023

Dragon Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent)  -  passed  Test 4  - 15/09/2023

Chase -  Neuter  Champion points finished and Title achieved   - 16/09/2023

Dream -   Track and Search - TS GRAND CH (Track and Search Grand Champion) Title - passed - 16/09/2023

Nix  Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog)  -  passed Test 1 - 17/09/2023

Cleo -  Rally Obedience - RN (Rally Novice Title - passed 17/09/2023

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  2nd qualification of 8 needed plus 3rd place for CA A Title-  pass on 17/08/2023

Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Interior  - 1 Pass in Novice Interior Search-  26/09/2023 making this the 5th of 6 needed for SW Novice TItle.

Dragon Track and Search - TSDX (Track and Search Dog Excellent)  -  passed  Test 5  - 29/09/2023

Triton -   Track and Search - TS GRAND CH (Track and Search Grand Champion) Title - passed - 01/10/2023

Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Title  - 3/3 passes at Gippsland Dogs Victoria Scent Work Trial in Novice searchs thus gaining  her SWN Title on the 7/10/2023

Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Exterior - 6th pass of (9) Qualification  in Advance Vehicle search - 08/09/2023

Ella -  Neuter In Group in AM Show at Bullay and RU Neuter in Group in PM Show  - 08/09/2023

Nix  Track and Search - TSD (Track and Search Dog)  -  passed Test 2 - 13/10/2023

Ava -   Track and Search - TS GRAND CH (Track and Search Grand Champion) Title - passed  - 13/10/2023

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  3rd qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title-  pass on 15/10/2023

Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Vehicle - 7th pass of (9) Qualification  in Advance Vehicle search - 28/10/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Vehicle - passes in interior and exterior 8 of 9 Qualifications needed for Advance Title - 01/12/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance) Title- 9th of the 9 pass pass needed for SWA (Scent Work Advance) Title - passed - 12/12/2023
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWE (Scent Work Excellent) -  1 of 12 passes needed. A pass in Containers at the Noarlunga Scent Work Trial - 03/02/2024
10th Litter Under the Brafferton Prefix whelped 08/02/2024 -  2  Smooths - 1 Tri Girl and 1 Tri Boy: 6 Roughs - 2 B/M Boys, 1 B/M girl and 3 Tri Girls. Dam -  Brafferton  Sea Sprite TDX [Tri  Rough]; Sire -  Talcott Cheokee Silver (B/M Smooth). Litter named with a Superhero Theme (From Xmen Marvel and DC Comics)
Ella -  Neuter Champion points finished and Title achieved   - 11/03/2024

Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance)   - 1 passes at Gawler Scent Work Trial in Advance being 1 in  Vehicles - 14/04/2024

Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance)   - 3 passes at Bendigo Scent Work Trial in Advance being 1 in Exterior, 1 in Interior and 1 in Vehicles - 21/04/2024

Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWE (Scent Work Excellent) - 2 passes at the Para District Scent Work Trial - 1 in containers and 1 on vehicles - 27/04/2024

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  4th qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title-  pass on 19/05/2024

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  5th qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title-  pass on 25/05/2024

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  6th qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title-  pass on 26/05/2024

Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) -  7th qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title-  pass on 16/06/2024

Inka -  Nose Scent Work - SWA (Scent Work Advance)   - 2 passes at Scent Work Advisory Committee Trial in SA in Advance being 1 in Exterior and 1 in Vehicles - 23/06/2024

Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWE (Scent Work Excellent) - 2 passes at Scent Work Advisory Committee Trial in SA in  Excellent being 1 in Exterior and 1 in Vehicles - 23/06/2024

Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SW-Veh (Vehicle Element)- Para District  SA - Advance Vehicle Searcg  Pass filling a gap needed towards Element Vehicle Title  plus First placing with a time of  - 09/07/2024
Inka -  Sprint Dog  - 37 points gained of 100 points needed and 1st qualification, towards the N.SPRD Title at the Inaugral SA Sprint Dog Trial. Inka's times of the 2 runs 9.72 seconds - 13/07/2024
Rocky -  Sprint Dog  - 37 points gained of 100 points needed and 1st qualification, towards the N.SPRD Title at the Inaugral SA Sprint Dog Trial. Rocky's times of the 2 runs 9.75 seconds - 13/07/2024
Inka -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability Advance) Title-  8th qualification of 8 needed  for CA A Title - TITLE gained -  14/07/2025 and 4th Placing-  (First Collie Rough or Smooth  in Australia to achieve this)
Charlee -   Lure Coursing JC (Junior Courser)  -  pass  (144) -19/07/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing JC (Junior Courser)  Title -  pass (137) -  20/07/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA  (Coursing Ability) -  1st qualification (pass 168) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 07/09/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA A (Coursing Ability) -  2nd qualification (pass 169) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 08/09/2024
Cleo -  Rally Obedience - RA (Rally Advance)  - 1st Qualification at Kueamba Kennel Training CLub - 14/09/2024
Sprite -   Obedience - CCD (Community Companion Dog)  -  3rd place in ring, Highest Qualifying score for Ballarat Club Member CCD level - 1st Qualification - 14/09/2024
Charlee -  Sprint Dog  -  40 points gained of 100 points needed and 1st qualification, towards the N.SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 21st and 22nd September 2024. Charlees times of the 2 runs 9.04 seconds - 21/09/2024
Charlee -  Sprint Dog  -  42 points gained of 100 points needed and 1st qualification, towards the N.SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 21st and 22nd September 2024. Charlees times of the 2 runs 8.60  seconds - 22/09/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA (Coursing Ability)  -  3rd qualification (pass176) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 19/10/2024
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWE (Scent Work Excellent) - 3rd excellent containers pass - 19/10/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA  (Coursing Ability) -  4th qualification (pass 177) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 20/10/2024
Rocky -  Sprint Dog  - 37 points gained of 100 points needed and 2nd qualification, towards the N.SPRD Title at the Inaugral SA Sprint Dog Trial. Rocky's times of the 2 runs 9.70 seconds - 27/10/2024
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA  (Coursing Ability) -  5th qualification (pass 153) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 09/11/2024 
Charlee -   Lure Coursing CA  (Coursing Ability) -  6th qualification (pass 171) of 8 needed  for CA  Title-  pass on 10/11/2024 and 1st place rosette in CA
Rocky -  Nose Scent Work - SWE (Scent Work Excellent) - 3rd excellent vehicles pass - 16/11/2024
Merlin -  Tricks - ATD (Advance Trick Dog)  - Merlin gained this through "Do More With Your Dog" - Trick Dog Title. This is an online course and can be done at home. This Title is not a recognised  ANKC Title, hence it is in brackets after his name, however it is recognised by the Canadian and American Kennel Clubs. - achieved 21 November 2024
Charlee -  Sprint Dog - Novice Sprint Dog (N.SPRD) Title  - 45 points gained at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 30 Nov and 1st Dec 2024. Charlees times of 2 runs 8.04 seconds - Title gained on the 30/11/2024
Charlee -  Sprint Dog  - Sprint dog (SPRD) -  43 points gained of 250 points needed and 1st qualification, towards the SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 30 Nov and 1 Dec 2024. Charlees times of the 2 runs 8.30 seconds - 01/12/2024
Phoenix -  Nose Scent Work - SWN (Scent Work Novice) Container  - 1 Pass in Novice Container Search, 4th place and 11 months old at time -  02/01/2025
Charlee -  Sprint Dog  - Sprint dog (SPRD) -   42 points gained of 250 points needed and  2nd qualification, towards the SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 15 Nov and 16 Feb 2025. Charlees times of the 2 runs  8.58 seconds - 15/02/2025
Charlee -  Sprint Dog - Sprint Dog (SPRD) Title ) -  43  points gained of 250 points needed and  3rd qualification (and Title), towards the SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 15 Nov and 16 Feb 2025. Charlees times of the 2 runs  8.44 seconds - 16/02/2025
Porgy -  Sprint Dog  -  31 points gained of 100 points needed and 1st qualification (1 week after his 1st Birthday), towards the N.SPRD Title at the VicSprint Dog Trial - weekend of 15th & 16th February 2025. Porgys times of the 2 runs 11.66  seconds - 16/02.2025

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